Introducing the Sew My Style 2019 Sewing Challenge!
Hello everyone!
I thought I might write a short article to introduce you to the Sew My Style 2019 sewing challenge, in case you were interested in taking part in it this year.
Sew My Style could be defined as a giant sew-along which last a whole year, with prizes to be won every month.
For each month, a pattern or a theme has been picked out, and you just have to sew along and share your make on social media. In 2019, the plan is as follows:
January : Activewear (anything goes!)
February : Tee-shirts (patterns to be confirmed)
March : Cadigan (patterns to be confirmed)
April: Trousers (patterns to be confirmed)
May : Button-down (patterns to be confirmed)
June : Woven Dress (patterns to be confirmed)
July : Jeans (patterns to be confirmed)
August: Lingerie (patterns to be confirmed)
September : Blouse (patterns to be confirmed)
October: Denim Jacket(patterns to be confirmed)
November : Bags(patterns to be confirmed)
December : Pyjamas (patterns to be confirmed)
A lot of the patterns have to be confirmed as we are still in the middle of the process of securing the patterns. I guess this is as good a time as any to announce that I had the pleasure to be picked by Maddie (from the blog and IG « Maddiemadethis » – who is this year’s organizer) to be one of the leaders for 2019, among 12 other lovely ladies.
I highly recommend you go ahead and follow them already, that way you’ll be sure to get all the info each month. Click on their photos to find the instagram account.
For more info on how to join and how to participate, I invite you to read this well written article by Maddie, where she explains everything. Also, after signing up with the mailing list, you should definitely join the dedicated facebook group where you’ll be able to share and get inspired by the Sew My Style community.
Usually, a discount code will be sent to you a few days before the beginning of the months, s you can purchase the pattern(s) at an interesting price. Then, you have a whole months to sew the pattern and share your progress on Instagram (with the hashtag #sewmystyle2019) or on the facebook group. A winner will be chosen randomly each month, and will win sewing related prices!
I’ll share more details as soon as I know more, we are still trying to put everything together so you’ll have the best experience possible!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave me a comment here, I’ll try to answer you the best I can.